JozinkoAeros Profi 14/Cross 5 Sport, MW117/155/167/Sajan trike VW, Stranger/CarboneOne912, UFO/Antares VW, SkyGlider/Antares VW, Arrow/XT912, Stranger/EdgeX582, BioniX13/Tanarg912, Apollo17/15/RacerGTR503, Conquest12,4/Tanarg912

Slovakia: Gajary, Malacky UL, Malacky military, Dubová, Častá, Senica, Myjava, Boleráz, Trenčín, Holíč, Krajné, Krakovany, Piešťany, Dolná Krupá, Trnava, Králová pri Senci, Sládkovičovo, Nové Zámky, Nitra, Želiezovce, Partizánske, Prusy, Ripňany, Vozokany, Bojná, Domaniža, Plevník, Martin, Ružomberok, Gôtovany - Jasná, Lučenec

Czech Republic: Baška, Dětrichov - Oáza, Choceň, Chvojenec, Kotvrdovice, Letovice, Milovice, Strážnice, Kyjov, Frýdlant, Šumperk, Moravský Žižkov, Dolní Bojanovice

Ukraina: Znamenka

Austrália: Yarrawonga, Corova, Hay, Ivanhoe, Menindee, Broken Hill, Mildura, Balranald

USA: Rosalia, Felts

first engine running

By Jozinko

Categories: Trike Talk, Tech, Video

Comments (3)

I hope I finished today... On next veekend we will have the Aeromeeting near Myjava city. Im happy because it will my first cross country flight in present year. It will my first flight... :)
I checked oil, petrol, warming engine, checked radio and intercom. Im ready!


  • XC Triker

    How'd your flight go?  Or is that next weekend?

    Really cool looking trike by the way!!!

  • Jozinko

    Yes David, it was this weekend. On friday late in the evening I had first 5 flying minutes this year. By the weekend all people said it is the nicest trike on this aeromeeting. 

  • XC Triker

    Damn straight Jozinko!