Results for "Early Trike"

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  • TrikeMag Second edition now out

    Sorry for reposting this but I think the last pos...just a photo??? Our second edition of TrikeMag just published. A free magazine for Trike Pilots. In this edition: A...Slovakia to awaken our favourite Slovakian Trike Pilot. However Toucan Roy has...

  • Still working on the site upgrades - video plugin is broken here is one that you don't want to miss!

    Rick D told me there was a new video in the wild! Enjoy! Flying the Trike to Red Rocks, Mt. Charleston and Beyond

  • wantto learn how do I begin

    Hello all I am from Broooklyn, NY (dont hold it agaiinst me LOL, Im trying to move out). I want to learn how to fly a trike, I vacationed in UTah during the summer (St George )and want to find a a club or school inthe area can anyone help? .....Thanks!!!

  • How to install instrumentation on a stick trike

    This page is inspired by the lac...ion installed on my Northwing trike in order to fly legally within a Mode C veil. My trike had no instrument pod or dash...d way to mount the pod on the trike though. I needed something to...oard/instrument paned for the trike.    &n...

  • Safety!

    Topics related to SAFETY!!!!!  Add yours here for al...nded list of topics (sub-pages) about this site ""       &...bsp;  Your POWERFUL sit...

  • Aeros offering bigger discount celebrating 26th anniversary

    Hi all, As you know I represent AEROS now....ow Aeros is also shipping their Ant E trike. My number is 208-985-9895 an...ho orders and fully pays Aeros’ trikes or wings during September 25...scount for orders of hang gliders and trike wings and 6% for complete tri...

  • Firesleeves or No Firesleeves, that is the quesion

    Hi all,   I was reading up on Rotax 912 engin...resleeve. Which got me thinking why some engines on trikes have Firesleeves and some do...reas where a firesleeve is needed? 2) Howcome some trike engines come with them and so...

  • Hello :)

    Hello everybody. I’v been missing in action for a while. Just wanted assure everyone, I’m doing alright, been working lots, but things are subsiding, and during this time I’ve been re-furbishing my Trike. Hoping to get back up in the air by the end of May.

  • Justification. Adding Spiral recovery to the PTS

    Based on a number of trike fatalities because of lack of training...... I am starting with Henry Trike Life video as a perfect examp...a spiral like this in a Klass trike which was fatal in 2006 or 20...of years back that was very clearly this spiral from 400 feet AGL...

  • Is Bionix 15 compatible with trikes other than Air Creation

    Does anyone know if Bionix 15 wing is compatible with other buggy's such as Northwing Navajo? Does anyone know. Or is it only for Air Creation trike?