Results for "Flying a Trike over Mt Everest"

Top-level pages

  • Bensen Days - Wauchula, Florida

    Hope to see some Florida trike guys in Wauchula this weekend for Bensen Days. The forecast looks good for trike flying....

  • Still working on the site upgrades - video plugin is broken here is one that you don't want to miss!

    Rick D told me there was a new video in the wild! Enjoy! Flying the Trike to Red Rocks, Mt. Charleston and Beyond

  • Chuck Norris- Probably THE most famous Trike Pilot

    When Chuck Norris flies, the altimeter setting is 00.00 ---...away from Chuck Norris and his trike. Right of Way rules do not apply when Chuck Norris is flying. If you are flying toward Chuck Norris, you are...lip; once Chuck Norris was flyi...them. He then got back in his trike a...

  • New to the site, some questions.

    Again, hello. Im coming from a GA backround and had a chance to take a flight in a trike two years ago and was hooked....from that are specific to my trike to mount it? northwing or BRS...ilots get out of recreational flying and sell their equipment is...zona are practically tripping over ot...

  • ouch

    well friends,  i had the spinal operation 3 weeks ago and i'm still having to use a w...ay for first time since the op, still hoping to resume flying my trik...ys i'm aware for a check ride around here, damn it, my trike i...

  • Flying Video Tunes - List

    I’ve been collected “potential” flying video songs for many years. I’ve only made a few, but have various flying videos in my head with vari...a page devoted to such a list. Here’s one I enjoyed discovering...


    ken and i were flying a beaver ul doing a freebie promotional photo-shoot of ' and couldn't see much out front so was flying looking to the side. ken and...e plane was leading to some 'interesting' flyi...bulldog, but as i now fly a 'driver only' trike i...

  • World Air Games

    Word Has it that Todd Ware will be competing in Trike Pylon Racing in Dubai in the coming days flying a P&M Quick. Live streaming coming soon via this link   Good Luck Todd!

  • Jasper Texas Airshow

    Jasper Texas Airshow I talked to the Airshow Manager and he was pleased to have a...ed with open arms when I show up with my gyro or trike in tow. It’s a shame how few gyro and trik...out on some fun. Every Friday I post (on many flying...

  • Soloed

    I did it. Finished my training and soloed my beautiful Sky Cycle trike. Mike did an awesome job training me and building the trike. It flies like a dream. I'm going to have a blast being a trike pilot :)