Results for "Air"

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  • The Case of the Missing Pilot

    ...A pilot left home about 8:30 a.m. to do some work in his hanger at the airport with his friends. On the...uot; question with "probably about 1:30, I'll have lunch at the airport. 1:30 came & went...

  • Mark Gibbo Gibson

    ...trees following an engine out. He was flying locally from the Dan Jones airport in Houston, Tx. The crash site was about one mile north of the airport. Gregg Ludwig is going to...

  • Active Hang Block attaches directly to the Hang Block.   According to Northwing, "The new Active Hang Block provides even more positive stability in rough air, requiring less control-input...

  • 2018 Annual Trike Fly-in July 14 - 21 ......

    ...ations you can fly into for breakfast.  There are other backcountry air strips to explore - some with hot springs.  There is gas at many of the surrounding airports for extended flights.&nb...

  • Another Trike Crash with Two Fatalities

    ... passenger 16-year-old Max Burlingame of Fort Atkinson died when the aircraft went down in the Rock Ri...

  • Intermediate Syndrome

    ...d landings 14) low and fast 15) trim system dangers 16) landing in rough air 17) flying in rain 18) frost...difficult fast wings 28) rotor awareness 29) learning to flying in rough air 30) route planning in the air...

  • So who's left to buy?

    ...o the current A600 Talon model and grow RotorWay with new products and services. The new company will be located in Chandler Arizona at Stellar Airpark where Rotorway has had fa...

  • Gyke Update

    ... The TwistAir is basically a is. Throw a wing on it and your done.  ...

  • Vale: Silver Lining CEO Craig Ewing & his 100 mph trike

    News Report HERE YouTube Video of Craig in his award winning Revo HERE Sun and Fun award 2014. Best commercial light sport aircraft: HERE  

  • Gibbo Manta 17 wing First Impressions

    ...ngle surface wings and I feel they are ideal to putt around and get some air time, probably not ideal cros...his a STOL capable wing, I will measure the exact distance later. In the air the wing was very easy to han...