Results for "Long Distance Trike Flying"

Top-level pages

  • What is the dollar amount a Sports Pilot can ask for sharing expenses?

    Anyone knows what FAA thinks as a right dollar amount that a Sports Pilot can ask their passenger for sharing flying expense?

  • TrikeMag Second edition now out

    Sorry for reposting this but I think the last post was just a photo??? Our second edition of TrikeMag just published. A free magazine for Trike Pilots. In this edition: A...Slovakia to awaken our favourite Slovakian Trike...

  • Acceleration: əksĕlərā'shən (Not flying related (well sort of)-- but cool as hell)

      DEFINITION OF ACCELERATION For those who lo...ter mile strip as you pass. You have the advantage of a flyin...ff the road when he passed you within a mere 1,320 foot long race course. ...... and that...

  • wantto learn how do I begin

    Hello all I am from Broooklyn, NY (dont hold it agaiinst me LOL, Im trying to move out). I want to learn how to fly a trike, I vacationed in UTah during the summer (St George )and want to find a a club or school inthe area can anyone help? .....Thanks!!!

  • Flying Sayings & Quips

    I started a similar thread on this forum, but this other thread I started grew much more.  Some really funny stuff (some dumb).  Here's the other:

  • Megafauna Flyaway 2012

    ...sp;  With two two-stroke trikes, two drifters, an X-air, thirteen XT-912 four-stroke trikes, a Lightwing, three Cessna...und flooded roadways, so took longer t...s background to our meals and long into the evening.   ...he water was spectacular and along the way we all watched a fire b...

  • How to install instrumentation on a stick trike

    ...ion installed on my Northwing trike in order to fly legally within a Mode C veil. My trike had no instrument pod or dash...der on my fairly simple stick trike. So how to you install an ins...d way to mount the pod on the trike though. I needed something to...oard/instrument paned for the trike....

  • Lawrie completed 12 months 6/01/2015

    Hi all, Ihave just completed 12 months since my first train...sion.(my hangar mum). Also a big thanks to all you trikers out there for your kind rem...u Tucans). Wishing each & everyone of you safe flying in 2015. Kind Regards Lawrie...

  • Australia Flying-- Questions from the Yanks

    G'day Ozzies, Was wonderin' if you could answer some questions about flying down under & maybe provi...?       US Lightsport trikes are allowed into all control...Angeles Intl)), do certain Australian trikes/pilots have that ability? (eg...

  • Aeros offering bigger discount celebrating 26th anniversary

    Hi all, As you know I represent AEROS now. I just got this interesting n...ow Aeros is also shipping their Ant E trike. My number is 208-985-9895 an...ho orders and fully pays Aeros’ trikes or wings during September 25...scount for orders of hang gliders and trike...