Results for "Trike Flight"

Top-level pages

  • What Did You Ask Santa For?

       I'm curious...  what do all you avid trikers want for Christmas?  A GPS? A flight suit? New barmitts?  What kind?  A new weather program?  Tell us...

  • My Biggest Day Ever Day Trip.

    My most 1day epic flight trip to date.  I flew with some guys from my Aeroclub from Maryborough to Monto and return.  Aircraft.... 2x Cessnas, 1x Piper Bonanza, and...

  • New Wings for the Airborne Trike

    It seems like Airborne has three new wings for their new trike. I wonder if these wings would be available for their existing trikes...

  • Viber text messaging

        I have the ozrunways app for my iPad ( haven't tried it in flight yet) and I said to teenage so...

  • Again Almost!

    last friday was lovely, sunny, 50 deg, no wind. but saturday was differen...ling having taken place. i rolled the trike out to an open area far away...t a time. i had the front tire of the trike up against the rear wheel of...his! soon i had 6 guys hanging on the trike...

  • Mentone 2014

    Mentone 2014…I’ve been encouraging trike guys to join in the flying with all the PPCs, F...iguing and would be very interested to see some trikes run the course to see how their times compare, with gyros and other trikes...

  • Light Sport is alive and well .. dispelling some rumors

    The aircraft are increasingly finding their way on to flight lines across the continent and the world at large. Those who fly them find the meager fuel burn and the lighter touch of reduced reg...

  • is it time tighten up our act a bit, more thorough pre-flight, etc, etc. but i know in my...g various different wings and us 'mere mortal' trike drivers could then become ove...ight wing eggspurts!   lastly, how do we, trikers stack up, accident wise, fat...

  • CFI Training Books for Sale

      Note to Admin: I tried to submit my ad in Marketplace but it is NOT working,...Experimental flying. I guess my new direction is to fly and share the gift of flight with my friends and shoot a l...

  • White House budget again contains user fee despite opposition

    User fees for aviation were once again part of the president's new budget pro...e House released its fiscal year 2015 spending plan, which included a $100-per-flight "surcharge" to pay...