Results for "First Time"

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  • Hello :)

    Hello everybody. I’v been missing in action for a while. Just wanted assure everyone, I’m doing alright, been working lots, but things are subsiding, and during this time I’ve been re-furbishing my Trike. Hoping to get back up in the air by the end of May.

  • Best Gibbo wing for an HKS700e motor

    This is my dilemma, I really like Gibbo w...they are built like a tank. But every time I muster the courage up to th...last to fly in calm conditions. At one time I thought of getting a Gibbo...nd a 19 meter Northwing? One of my all time favorite wings was an Aeros&n...

  • Upcoming Events

    Not my events - but take note of a few coming up in the Southwest area. (New Mexico/A...) 2 - Summer Solstice Day Angel Fire (Mid June) 3 - Gallup flying at the same time as the Mystic Bluff Flyin (~S...

  • Flying the -Bionix 13-

    ...ut about 40 minutes, between rain showers, on Mike Globensky's new, first in US, Bionix-13. Very nice!...this. Hope to get better weather in a few days and spend some more time with it....


    Are you entertained? do you learn anything? do some of the articles inspire you? I...anything at all from Alltrikes..........consider this a challenge.........a one time donation of $10 or higher if...

  • Im still around :)

    Happy Christmas and New Year to everyone here at Alltrikes.   I have had a very...e to work commitments and other interests, plus inconvenient weather when I had time to fly.  But hopefully I...

  • is it time

    is it time to banish complacency ? not in any way blaming this...y repeating what, and where i had taken off umpteen times before! i was COMPLACENT. an...not too far ahead for some of us!). so, as has many times before been suggested  ...

  • 'it's a little airyplane'

    i frequently trailer my trike, and often, inquisitive ear..." he walked away muttering 'lying old coot! another time when i was busy 'fettling' my...t's bigger than i expected". well! it's been a LONG time, if ever, that i,ve heard sim...

  • A bargain purchases

    A lady is looking for a handbag in the shop. After a long time she pleases absolutely tiny h...e parts... when you will to lick it three times, you will have a big suitcas...


    if you start bleeding from your ear-hole, check you haven't mixed your toothpicks in...el, they may have stitched it on the wrong side, again. if you are 'pressed for time' don't walk up the down side...