Results for "damaging winds"


  • Comment on "Revo Trike Flys NV"

    Looks like you had a great time to Furnance Creek and back. Great job on the successful cross wind landing. While I was filming down by the runway I could see the winds truning directly cross and picking up...challenging for sure! Great meeting you Peter, hope we fly again in Santa Paula.

  • Comment on "I got Henry a barf bag"

    See HERE for an explanation of why I got Henry some gift barf bags. These ones are super light, plastic (not paper, so no leak through) and have a plastic ring to keep the opening open in 100MPH winds !!! ;)

  • Comment on "Chasing Ken in the 'Bamas"

    Wow that sounded a bit rough for ken hes a great pilot in montana were the...ever trust them 60 degrees yesterday tonight 6 to 10 inches of snow and high winds. Glad you all got home safe ....

  • Comment on "YPOK"

    Hi Jozinko,  I think it depends on the area and the winds.  If the winds are from the rear, with the nose up, it will push the trike down (good) and the heavy end is into the wind.  In this...

  • Comment on "Don goes SOLO"

    Don became a Solo Man today. Well done Don. Don has battled 30kt winds and thermals. He hasn't had a day without cross wind, and then today he went solo on a day with no wind... Don said that it was very strange to fly with no bumps or wind trying to blow you off the runway. He did very well.

  • Comment on "DSCN0627.jpeg"

    Hi CB pleased to hear of your XC exploit.  Sounded like quite a flight.  We are holed up in Mildura grounded due to weather.  45 kt winds, rain and cold.  The kne...

  • Comment on "Solo man Jesse"

    Jesse went solo this morning in 20kt NW winds. Hedgeview has been training Jesse and today it was time for the CFI YFT to do a stage check. Three circuits CFI YFT decided to send Jesse solo. Well done Jesse and well done Hedgeview.

  • Comment on "Santa Paula"

    Hey Peter, I like your statement (New Y...ot just experienced that although the winds were exceptionally high (30-4...o 7500' that we wrestled with the winds and turbulence trying to clim...the hangar rather than riding in the winds.  However, again we had...

  • Comment on "Hells Canyon and the Grand Ronde River"

    Leo - you can see that the air was fairly bumpy and it was worse down lower.  I fo...side canyon was funneling air in, I'd get hit with some sudden and gusty side winds.  So, I didn't stay down...

  • Comment on "A Lovely Cruise"

    They are a bit "truckish" in the air, in all but gentle winds.  This is Dave's Cygnet, but my SeaWing uses the same wing:  NW 19m M-Pulse II (Dave's is a Mustang 3--same wing but screw-in/out tips).  Fun however, when in its element.