Results for "Long Distance Tike Flying"


  • Comment on "True Glory III 2014 - Episode One"

    Hi Wefly, its wonderful TG3EO. Im looking for next episodes. I like videos about Tanargs flying, especially flying at Yarrawonga area. Hey YFT! Why Ken didnt keep Michaels instructor bar by his landing and you kept me it for all the time??!!?? :-)))

  • Comment on "Congratulations to Jeff"

    Thanks Tussock. We are all very lucky to be flying these ultimate flying machines. I look at my trike and marvel at the design, it almost out of science fiction. Only to be surpassed by a true ornithopter. Can't wait to get one of those.

  • Comment on "SR22 Crash"

    Hi XC, David, I don't even think our students know that it happened. That's life in the flying industry. I am just amazed it would have not been as bad. Oh XC we were not flying at night, we were landing abo...

  • Comment on "Janet, Kim and David meet RizzyWizzy in La Grande"

    I love that video!!  (Took me that long to download it on my slow connection  ;) Lots of fun and we get to see the Rizmodo in action!  Great job

  • Comment on "Air Refueling at 1000 feet!"

    Excellent video Tom.  Nice variety of flying sites and terrain.  Maybe I haven'...ought many of your earlier videos were from flying a DTA.  But it appears a...l country.  Some day I hope to do some flying out in that area.

  • Comment on "Are Selfies Safe?"

    Read about this in the news today. They're implying he flashed himself and got blinded long enough to lose control. Hard to say if that's what happened. Technology has some people pushing bounderies beyond their abilities to multi task without thinking of the consequences.  

  • Comment on "a wee bit o wake burbulance"

    Yes Damien, I always do it like you. To have trike under control at higher air speed and slowly push the bar out some foot over rwy only... Video is a little long, but you can see my landing technique with and without engine.

  • Comment on "Time is Flight Training’s Critical Cost"

    The flying school I went to is quite unique in the flexwing...time. The opportunity to talk about the day's flying with another student is also...student in a flexwing, you can only compare your flying skills with the instructor. T...

  • Comment on "Take-off"

    Thanks for the comments WE, AeroManiac, And Jozinko. With the formation flying it take many hours training....nd you just may qualify as a wing-man. This type of flying is not for the faint hearted....

  • Comment on "Best Time to Fly"

    Autumn in montana the tameracks turn brilliant orange the geese are flying south trumperter swans elk are bugling just a great time and place to be in let alone flying.