Results for "The Ultimate Trike"


  • Comment on "WSC Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical knowledge"

    I just got a very pertinent message from one of the active trikers about my new Trike book. It is best said by quot...uo; Summary: If you are a trike student, pilot, CFI, my trike...his FAA body of knowledge for trike pilots. This is why some...

  • Comment on "Aussie SKYPPER"

    Thank you guys, that's very interesting. The clipper and of the main considerations when we purchased our Trike. Chris (a friend who sold us...rance than our buggy then I can add that as another trike option in the future. Thank...

  • Comment on "Rizzy's bad landing"

    XC triker.. Not sure if you were referring...things being done that should not in trike flying.  If someone stat...ess and far too time consuming on any trike list.  A good instructor...w.  I have never called myself a trike God and don't know of any...

  • Comment on "Learning to Land - consistently!?"

    Crayon, I am NOT a CFI, but I had a good one. We spent A...getting a really good sense of that height on your trike that is the magic spot. Then...cking off throttle and easing the bar out until the trike practically lands itself (com...

  • Comment on "Rizzy's bad landing"

    Hello Wayne, I understand what you fine however, it is nothing like a trike nose wheel setup because both...entire geometry and if you created a trike nose wheel and bent the thing if you were to have little trike wheels on it.  Also if y...

  • Comment on "Getting off to the best start in TrikeLife -What advice would you share?"

    Ken, If you want to store your trike in a trailer, a strutted wing that folds while still mounted on the m...ndle it into the trailer. Not all strutted wings can be folded on the trike though, I know Airbornes SST...

  • Comment on "The Green 1 e-Glider from eUp Aviation- Canada. Electric Soaring Trike !!!"

    The eUP trike is expected to be available as a bolt on propulsion kit for the northwing atf soaring trike in 2014. With any luck we wil...

  • Comment on "Antares trike dashboard"

    Hi Sally,  the Tanarg dash is aluminum (at least the radio wires from the RPM wires.  In my trike, I ran the shielded Radio MGL V-10  -- Love it!) down one side of the trike, and all the other wiring dow...

  • Comment on "Getting Ready"

    I tell my passengers to hang their feet over the side of the trike (tanarg) on takeoff and landing, and hav...the front tube.  Some of the other trikes in the hangar are much more...ce. Needing a different one for each trike might be kind of a pain thoug...

  • Comment on "IMG_2378"

    There were some beautiful sunsets ...  ...evo owner who is starting up an intro trike flight instruction business i...ntleman asked if old guys could fly a trike, it was a perfect opportunity...oy.  Beyond that, there are many trikes that are perfectly legal, sa...