Results for "rev"


  • Comment on "Shades of Green"

    Thanks everyone!  David C - I believe that was the most entertaining reviews I ever received. I was getting steady winds out of the NE that night - maybe prop wash from your rig?   

  • Comment on "serious accident"

    ...ilot and's always a bummer when that happens at a fun gathering.put a more detailed report in csi about the boy and what happen so we can prevent it from happening again. t...

  • Comment on "name and blood type"

    Oh, THIS works better for viewing your site in English: I'm going to poke around there a bit ...

  • Comment on "A+B=Crash"

    ...he unexpected that almost resulted in a double fatality.  Purposefully reducing all safety to zero makes no sense.  Altitude and caution prevent tears. BTW Ken, I saw...

  • Comment on "Megafauna Flyaway 2013 part 2"

    ...p; Good on you for doing that, creating memories for everyone !!  No one will really know how hard you worked, but everyone will remember it forever !!  See you soon!...

  • Comment on "TB13 again"

    Hi Peter, 18 trikes is nice group. Revo is trike only. when it have a big wing, its as slow as other wings.

  • Comment on "TB13 again"

    Yes Christopher, we had 18 Trikes on this trip. I was a bit surprised that the REVO departed 30mins in front of TB13 and we played around taking photos. Yet over 84nm the REVO made it in only 5mins ahead of TB13.

  • Comment on "Frank survives a Trike crash"

    Ahoj Jozinko, At Wagga one of the Trikes had a hard landing after getting in the wake turbulance of a REVO. It hit the runway hard and then got airborne, but the aircraft had gon...

  • Comment on "Equipment Photos"

    ...Yeah, Henry, that was my thinking- I considered behind the windshield (but the angle wasn't quite right there, and I wasn't sure I could prevent glare / reflection back to...

  • Comment on "87 Octane"

    duh I clicked on it without reading?I use 91 Oct with no ethanol easy to find in Montana.but if xc wants reverse thrusters on his TRIKE I would suggest 100ll why not blow the skirt all the way off ;-)