Results for "Trike Flying Video and Photo Competition for 2013"


  • Comment on "My Dad and me"

    My daddy is my HG flying teacher, my trike flying teacher, great constructer, mechanic. I love him! 

  • Comment on "Toucan't fly!"

    Really pleased you all enjoyed the Toucan't Fly! movie. Never been compared to the Leyland Brothers...acting like a fool/idiot/child most of the time. YFT. The panorama photo is actually only have the phot...

  • Comment on "Transporting Your Trike"

    Hi Noel - XC had some really good points. Constant trailer upg...ffort. I'm leaning toward flying more places, but also want to bring the haul without a bra for the trike, then there is security to wo..., sometimes no. Here is a photo album of some trailer options...

  • Comment on "Pilot detained, searched for mysterious reasons"

    More about the Abusive Search & Detentions of Pilots.  Apparently there is a "Leadership Vacuum" so the soldiers are doing whatever they want !  Nice!!  We can't help but screw with everyone, there was a budget cut--  sorry!?   Click HERE for story.

  • Comment on "Transporting Your Trike"

    Very very nice wefly loved the video presentation.trailer is awesome and the photos of austraila should be youre trailor and have been welding it to fit my alot to be desired.just curious what are you flyi...

  • Comment on "Ttab Mod Shop Update"

    Hey Tom... Looking sweet !!!  I saw a more complete photo on the Alltrikes facebook page at: but did not see this phot...

  • Comment on "P&M PulsR flight video with different camera views"

    Nice looking trike, but I guess I'm curious what the benefit is? Is it supposed to be faster? cleaner (less drag) ? Warmer? Seems to me like it obscures the view a good bit, which is one of the benefits of flying a trike

  • Comment on "GP020107_MP4"

    Thanks dinga when i went to 10.5 last year .i was listning to comf...dge for lift in their soaring trikes way below me. They looked we all were thinking about flying over to mount mc donald peak...was really good to see their video...hat we were in for in soaring s...

  • Comment on "YYWG thermally circuit under a Wiz 3"

    I loved the video and that tune as well. Of all the wings I have flown in my limited flying opinion is a true recreational wing I sold it with my old trik...

  • Comment on "Photos"

    Thank you! The first only is mine video... other are from my flying friends