Results for "astra trike"


  • Comment on "Two By Air Two By Sea short version 1"

    Hey xc thanks nice video .i talked to kevin from time to...ith one of my clients.kevin tried to take him for a trike ride last winter but kevin him up.the poor guy just wants to go flying in a trike for the time he has left. Ma...

  • Comment on "John Farmer died in a Trike Crash"

    David, I couldn't agree more. My understanding is that Jo...would still be alive. The only US manufactured trike wing I've flown is a Sport, a...isn't a lot of choice down here. There is only one trike that I just did not like, and...

  • Comment on "If money was not an issue what (& why) would be your next trike, please tells us what model, wing and engine"

    My original poll had almost 20 trike manufacturers but the website allows for only 10 poll choices, so if I...HKS motor and fat tires (it meets pretty much everything I wanted in a trike) but if I had extra money, I...

  • Comment on "A Christmas flight"

    It was a little gift for Jany. One day before was beautif...sad, because of beautiful weather condition and his trike is not ready to fly... Are yo...l. Milan didnt want - I dont know why. Then only my trike was flown. An old friend from...

  • Comment on "FSA issue 96 - Blind faith"

    Great article YFT.  I am very glad that the explain your way out of it. RE Mounts, for a trike, it points up the fact that a...rm those below. I mount AND leash everything on the trike.  I do use an iPhone for...

  • Comment on "New to the site, some questions."

    I know a bunch of people who share a han...r with a GA type plane by putting the trike in front of the plane. ...I used to fly with an etrex gps on my trike.  You will have to add a...o do. If you can't find other trikes in the area, find the local...

  • Comment on "New Mako 15"

    Fyi.   Mark posted his reply on trikepilot.   And again,  Garrett is inc...I had my detailed demo of the Mako on a 503 trike and it performed just as well...p; I've only flown it once on my 503 trike and I couldn't tell much...

  • Comment on "High Alpha Landing Practice"

    Thanks yft you know one thing i really like about my airb...not a 912. Other than being well built and a rugged trike i really like the bungee susp...e at the tires and dosent transfer much through the trike. Makes for gentle landings on...

  • Comment on "AEROTRYK ss"

    Hi ken. The stats don't lie. This trike has a strong following in the rest of the world and has proven perfor...t's not embellished. This is why we made the investment to bring this trike to the US market. No other m...

  • Comment on "Aircraft storage"

    I have flown into Oshkosh and flown at Cushing during Trikefest. I live in New Mexico. I c...lf dozen other guys to fly our trikes in color country. If it gets...I carry on the trailer with my trike. If it is not windy, then I& I am going to eat. My trike is not a Gold Wing that requi...