Results for "Trike Flight"


  • Comment on "Hang Gliding from a Triker's Perspective-- Going Back is Going Forward"

    Hey cburg them were great days. I remember Bob carolton a...who never had flown in anything before did a tandem flight that day with Bob.l still to...aks of tears down her face for a death defined 3 hr flight.she married Bob 2 months late...

  • Comment on "Over Mt Whitney"

    Score another one for Trike Kind !!!  So the next time some knucklehead asks ... "Can your little trike do that?"  You can...sp;    How 'bout @Olivier and his flight from the tip of South America...

  • Comment on "What Trike do you fly now?"

    ...mishmash :) Aeros Profi 14 wing - from Ukraine, Cross 5 Sport trike - from Czech republic, Verner...o propellers - AERO 1700L from Ukraine and PESZKE AS 1700L from Poland, flight instruments - old Russian, he...

  • Comment on "John Farmer died in a Trike Crash"

    ...i too thought the 150 mph statement was a bit much. I fly an airbourne trike and i have loved that against the p factor on take off but nothing bad. When i went for my flight exam in australia with yft i...

  • Comment on "the life of thread ? (not brian!)" the material. haven't read much about wings 'coming undone' . i would expect that it would have been reported in trike wrecks we've been aware of. if stitches were to fail in flight i would hope! that a 'corner'...

  • Comment on "Taxiing"

    Hi Ken, I was the bottom wing of the bi plane, Hed...T was taking the picture.  This was a great XC flight into the ranges approximately...arrawonga on a perfect day.  This was my first flight into this area and it was mag...

  • Comment on "Training Continues at YFT"

    It's 2014 and our students are ready...h training as usual at Yarrawonga. Preflights can throw up unusual "p...e unobservant... The joy of sharing a flight with your partner after for many months. Just some of the flight school activity during the fe...

  • Comment on "Spiral Dive recovery"

    ...short  as much as i know about you ,you are an exstremly advanced trike pilot.the real thought here is do we want newbies practicing this manuver for the test with a flight examiner.tusocks if iam corre...

  • Comment on "Rizzy's bad landing"

    ...ectively over the years, including my virgin design, test flight and subsequent hand-over of the first real float trike (Airborne design) to Ben...have it RIGHT> Although, in real respect, very few trike designer/manufacturer's ha...

  • Comment on "Bull River Valley and the Dr. Forrest Bird Museum"

    ...alk to Dr. Bird and take his wife for an intro flight back in the BFI days. Very cool. The mornng before Pamela's flight one of Dr. Bird's A&Ps st...pped by while we were doing a preflight on the trike. Said he had never seen one up...