Results for "Crash scene from movie Flight"


  • Comment on "Night Flights in a Trike"

    Thank you guys, I really appreciate it !!  Wife is really pushing...a nice set of cameras, but the above movi...t didn't bother me on my LA night flight--  I think the differen...dn't bother me in LA. In many scenes you can se some glare on the...

  • Comment on "Flight to Fraser"

    Wow, great video and editing.  That wasn't an easy movie to make, multi angles, great scenery, radio communication recorded etc, all the good stuff.

  • Comment on "Photos from YFT"

    Lawrie completed his final Navigation flight on Christmas day. He had planned a flight from Yarrawonga to Corowa and then onto Wangaratta. However as the flight progressed a diversion happen...a and then back to Yarrawonga. This flight prooved that Lawrie was on th...

  • Comment on "Flying 14,000 feet through San Juan Mountains, Colorado"

    ULtrikeoilot, thank for your nice comment on the movie. I don't think yu have any issue to take from Mineral Counrty Airport. Especially, the air temp is lower than 50 degree in early summer morning, which makes density altitude lower.

  • Comment on "Morninghasbroken"

    Christophfer  mad max just wasnt the same without mel. Lot of action.  But your beautiful photo reminds me more of the movie martian with matt damion. Whoooo i have to say go see it in 3d. Incredably good and it will take you awhile to get back to earth.

  • Comment on "Landing during turbulence and Crash"

    I was looking for clues to see if wind was a factor...bit hard to tell). Also, I think part of the crash has to do with the white pol...of the pilot at around 0:29.  After the crash notice how fast the dust dissipated from t...

  • Comment on "BMW 1200 GS"

    It is a great prop. I sort of wished it would have worked. I traded it to a guy who put it on a fixed wing and then bought me the Warp Drive. The WD looks like something out of Road Warrior movie. My prop spin is right or clockwise push. I sure would like to fly at some of your meets.

  • Comment on "Monkeys in the Sky- secret advance copy !!! ;)"

    Guess who scored a secret advance copy of Olivier Aubert & Mike Blyth's latest movie??!!  Monkeys in the Sky.  The pic of Christophe...outh trike adventure--  anyone who has not seen that movie, flying two trikes from t...

  • Comment on "X-wind landings"

    Hi David, I allways speak to my students: only 2...ust have much more second of them. Landing is flig...ound may be caused a big pilots throuble or a crash...ou never lose the airspeed...and nobody never crashed into the sky...then more of...

  • Comment on "Trevor the pilot"

    Today, Trevor was under the impression that he was going for a flight to practice his flight test... How wrong was Trevor. His was actually doing his...y reason that he could see, why he should not have past a flight test. Trevor gave me a number...