Results for "flying movies"


  • Retraining for a new trike

    3 of my ex-students bought a "new" Joker Trike 912/ Aeros Profi TL wing together. Its flying a little different than my trike - their "school" trike. Then we did retraining. Joker has a foot throttle (my trike has the hand throttle), Joker has a lower seat than my trike and its faster.

  • Home sites for trike flying.

  • Melbourne Air show 2013

    I mentioned earlier that my interest in Trike Flying was raised while at the Melbourne Air show earlier this year.  Here are a few pics I took from that show of some of...

  • Epic retrieve

    While flying the coast yesterday, one of our group of three pilots suffered an engine-out and landed on a nice stretch of beach - which unfortunately happened to actual...

  • Ice Maiden up close & personal

    As we here at Yarrawonga are all aware, YFT is a prolific in flight photographer of Trikes flying with him, however it was a bit sad when it was suggested, "No-one ever takes pictures of my Trike".&...

  • A private strip in Darwin Australia.

    Steve Braddy learnt to fly with me last year. Steve purchased his XT-912 Arrow without ever having flown one. He...built his own airfield on some land next to his house. He now has a lot of fun flying...

  • Maverick Test Drive.

    Helping a new pilot set up his brand new NW Maverik trike. Had to get CG all squaired away and a multitude of other...ion, prop pitch, locktite all engine bolts, beef up rear landing gear for real flying...

  • Green1 Electric Trike by eUP Aviation

      This is The Green1 self launch Motor Glider Trike From eUP Aviation inc. Batteries available for 30 minutes 1 hour or 2 hours of managed flight. I was flying...

  • Coast to Karroo to Coast

    Took of at 08h10  on Saturday 21 June 2014 from our small town Knysna airstrip "High Way Airfield"...the Karroo - landed on the newly tarred strip and had a warm breakfast before flying...

  • Swartberg Snow - Mountain Flying - August 2014

    We have 3 mountain ranges to the north of us - Outeniqua, Kammanassie ,and the mighty Swartberg Mountains. When we have extreme cold and snow the Swartberg is usuall...