Results for "Flight Training"


  • TB13

    The YFT Tanarg B13 turned twenty...hours, that is.... this morning. All the flying i...he TB13, as it is now known, has led two formation flights, and flown in a fifty knot w...g virtually effortless. Anne has now been on three flights...

  • Novy dvor - a goulash meeting

    I flew to Novy Dvor - it's a small village about more than 100km South from my airport. There was a trike pilot sud...anted to land anywhere because there were terrible air condition in air... The flight t...

  • United States

    Put screenshots of local United States flights in this Album.  Create an album for your c...that others can't use-- like, "Album of flights in the S/E corner of my back...I'm going to put my California Central Coast flight h...

  • Aeros Profi

    This profi is fantastic.  Effortless takeoff with short rollout. Easily carries a passenger. Can land it anywhere! Level flight b...

  • Made a Nanolight.

    Nanolight flight today. Recently put this little guy together with a friend. Entire craft weighs about 90LBS. Has tiny 13-18HP Solo 210 ultralight aircraft engine. I hav...

  • Weather Pics

    WOW! Stacking Lenticulars This photo shows the height and the depth of the smoke that blankets virtually the from interior wildfires near Tweedsmuir Provincial Park taken from WestJet flight....

  • First Flight 2013

      It's a Virtual Round the World Fly-In!!!! Post one best shot (or movie) from your first flight o...

  • Recent Flight up the Coast near Home

    These photos I took flying up the coast near my house.  Include Pismo dunes, Oceano Airport (Rwy 29), and Hearst Castle.  Today I flew down the beach across...

  • Tornado in Yarrawonga

    Scary storm too close for comfort! All day Peter and the students had been wat...develop into a huge storm which might even develop into cyclonic patterns. The training completed for the day, and th...

  • Skypper flies to a new home.

    Skypper 8512 moves to a new home... Simon from Newcastle purchased our Skypper. This beautiful aircraft is going t...imon arrived to pick up his new aircraft on Tuesday and we decided to go for a flight....