
  • Videos
  • RizzyWizzy
  • Mine is bigger than yours? or Is your bigger than mine?...I guess it doesn't really matter LOL

Mine is bigger than yours? or Is your bigger than mine?...I guess it doesn't really matter LOL

By RizzyWizzy

Categories: Video, Humor, Not Flying Related

Comments (4)

This video has nothing to do with triking but I thought it was worth sharing


  • Hostman

    Makes you feel rather small, doens't it...

  • RizzyWizzy

    Makes me feel very insignificant

  • RizzyWizzy

    Actually it makes me want to buy a faster wing so I can cover distance faster when I get to fly over these planets. LOL

  • XC Triker

    Henry would like this video.  He's big into astronomy.  How do we recommend videos to friends here?  Is there a "John liked XYZ" so you might also?

    How many degrees is a billion times our sun's warmth?