Results for "landing light"


  • "Black Out" Landings (When to flare if landing in the Dark)

    ...uck with planning.  Many do not have a landing light.  These factors and the fa...unforeseen circumstances and find yourself landing in the dark are good reasons...

  • Forced Landing Checklist

    Pilots tip of the Week:  Forced Landing Checklist Question: "I had an engine failure on downwind and a forced landing in a plowed corn field. I spent the last 500 feet concentrating on landi...

  • Topic 1) fear of landing, no fear of takeoff

    ...aking off was no problem, but landing was scary.   It was...n row that I started to enjoy landings.  It was much later, tw...pilots who are more scared of landing than taking off.  I tell...hem on their 2nd or 3rd solo flight.  These runways were ridic...

  • Landing when you're not sure what the wind is doing

    ...eek:   "How should we approach landings at a strange field with no w...a general idea of what winds to expect at our landing site. Validate this informati...resources are available to you on ATIS/AWOS/ Flight Watch/etc. What was the w...

  • Free audio - Approach and Landing When the Air is Bumpy

    Free 8-minute audio by Rod Machado where he offers tips and tactics for landing in gusty conditions. Rod explains: The hidden hazards assoc...alls from wind shear Recommended set up and configuration for landi...

  • FAA 610 "Where fun went to die."

    Have you heard about usless and expensive Federal Bureaucracy? You find my take on the Light-Sport branch of the FAA at my blog  

  • Forced Landing and Mandatory Equipment

    What do you consider and recommend for crosscountry vs local flights?  What good ideas have you seen?

  • Back on the Horse Today.

    The weather this morning was (and still is) spectacular....y sore arm - I went for a fly - the winds were very light to non-existent.  How co...0am), and returned very happy with a very pleasant flight.  I flew to Fraser Islan...

  • ken and my weedhopper

    we, ken and i had driven his ford 'ex...on with my 'weedhopper' ulttralight on it. we were still ttwelve&...ight? well i had a bright spotlight mounted on top of the 'instre...dust, on the inside. the spotlight was hooked to a 'home made' f...he sense to turn on their headlights when they heard the rotax, s...

  • Topic 2) early morning itis

    ...s in the pattern.  Every landing is perfect.   This...minate any apprehension about landing.  Your confidence builds...uring my first month of solo flight.  It scared me cause I cou...n the pattern, fatal crash on landing.  The key to avoid t...