Results for "gust"


  • Vance Breese

    Airports landed: 1. 3AU Augusta Municipal Airport Augusta, Kansas 2. 3O1 Gustine Gustine, California 3. 3O8 Harris Ranch Coalinga, California 4. AUN Auburn Municipal Airport Auburn, California 5. B...

  • Tilt Shift

    About me: ...trike in Lodi, California. After their training they will fly down the coast of California and meet up with Cal's route.  They will leave in August of 2014 and fly over a course...



  • serious accident

    ...y morning. There was a little rain there and bad clouds were rotated. Czech guys huried to air and they want to fly home early. This one got a wind gust which turned him left and dow...

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  • Advanced Triking - Above and beyond normal Flying

    Advanced Triking - Above and beyond normal Flying

    For all pilots who want to go above and beyond basic sport, private and CFI certificates to new levels of skill, precision and safety.


  • 8 Williamsburg headed towards NYC to hook up with Barry M.

    Before I back fill you in on Craig's adventures so far, here's a recent report:From John Williams:Craig and I departed Williamsburg (KJGG) headed towards NYC to hook up with Barry M. We had a nice flight up the coast. Craig did a landing (or touch & go) in Maryland and Delaware on the way up ...

    Tags: Williamsburg, KJGG, NYC, New York, Hudson river, Barry, Maryland, Delaware, Ocean City New Jersey, gust