Results for "down wind turns"

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  • Brain teasers for those that believe down wind turns are "different".

    If you believe that downwind turns are "different" from upwind turns, or if you think that a pilo...n "feel" the direction of the wind, or that an aircraft te...t the plane flies?  Are "downwind" turns (toward the east) now differe...ling when you are flying "downwind" (flying toward the north), or...

  • Paraglider dashboard, must have FREE Android cell phone app I downloaded this app and took it out...r apps.  It estimates the wind vector in real time while you...u fly in circle with you drift downwind. And if you plot your the display, you get a good wind...

  • Trike Shimmying at landing

    I went with my friend for a flight today, I fly a Northwing Navajo with HKS 700e. ...done probably a bit faster, with about 6 mile cross wind. Has anyone who owns a and slightly deflated tire, coupled with a cross wind...

  • The Signs Were There - when not to fly!

    ...ure.  Within seconds the wind increased, the wing began mov...ale signature of the rotating winds. So all warmed up an the...t baulked due to strong cross wind and went to make my approach...the runway, pulled the pitch down, and rounded out to touch down...

  • Again Almost!

    last friday was lovely, sunny, 50 deg, no wind. but saturday was different, time, but as i was getting down to the nitty gritty i  i...d could, thinking, it'll calm down. NOT SO! i managed to grab a...nice yellow t-shirt. THEN the wind really blew, my bod' propped'...

  • Things You DON'T Want to Hear on the Plane's PA System

    * Ocean crossing flight: This is your Captain speaking, I just wanted to take this t...ogey at 2 o' on our tail!!!! Eject!!!! Eject!!!!!!!** (As the plane turns around right after takeoff).....

  • Mentone 2014

    Mentone 2014…I’ve been encouraging trike guys to join in the flying...t other trikes, depending on the course:  Here’s an example of tight turns and a really slow wing: h...

  • Active Hang Block

    Hi all,   I have a question. On the Northwing website, they sell active Hang...nput from the pilot, and also gives lighter handling pressures while initiating turns". Does it really make a lot...

  • Chuck Norris- Probably THE most famous Trike Pilot

    When Chuck Norris flies, the altimeter setting is 00.00 ---  Chuck Norri...oard Chuck Norris has never landed with a crosswind. The wind would never dare get cross wi...ying round house kicks. Chuck Norris once shot down...

  • Teen's high flying dream lands him in Marion: 3 Days & 900 Miles

    After three days and nearly 900 miles, 17-year-old Cole Norton is ho...field to take off from, using a headwind for lift, the field sloped downward, allowing speed and air to provide lift. One trip down this and Norton was in the ai...a., where things got hairy. The winds...