Results for "dirt"

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  • pawnee overcast!

    ...ate, just putting my helmet on when VROOOOOOM. a cropduster whipped accross me, 50ft up , spraying some white cloudy  stuff right alongside my dirt road (runway). he sprayed bac...

  • Intermediate Syndrome, any all comments are welcome. 1) fear of landing, no fear of takeoff 2) early morning itis 3) leaving the pattern to early 4) urge to land on dirt roads 5) mastering your radio...

  • Trike Fly in/Campout in Las Vegas? May before it gets too hot? Just kicking the idea around so far, but if people are interested the dry lake is a nice place to camp (RV), or ride dirt bikes, or fly, or ride 4 whee...

  • Powerline avoidance strategy

    ...are absolutely sure there are no powerlines. 7) Powerlines need an access road to put them up and maintain them.  Beware of all roads and dirt roads in the middle of nowher...

  • Ken and the Weedhopper on top of the panel controlled by a 12volt flasher. the windshield was dusty and the prop was light colored wood. as soon as i took off from the dirt road i realized that having a...

  • Your Engine Just Quit, Should You Land On A Road Or A Field?

    ...ation. I had an engine out due to fuel pump in my first trike. Opted for dirt road, and suffered NO damage....Aircraft Superstol lost power. The pilot initiated a forced landing on a dirt road. During the landing roll...

  • Common Dog 01

    ...r in a landing ground. The Airfield runway: What's it made of?... Well this is a good one. You can have a runway made of grass, gravel, dirt, or it could be sealed, which...

  • Gibbo Manta 17 wing First Impressions

    ...u, even if I was not able to land within the runway length, it would not have hurt anything, because beyond the runway there is long flat dirt area so no biggie...but I had...