Montycosmos racer

pawnee overcast!

Last updated by Monty Comments (3)

this am i got ready to aviate, just putting my helmet on when VROOOOOOM. a cropduster whipped accross me, 50ft up , spraying some white cloudy  stuff right alongside my dirt road (runway). he sprayed back and forth (affording me his skilfull avoidance of wires etc at twice my speed!) for most of the morning. i'm awful glad i hadn't taken off a few minutes earlier, we wouldn't have hit but he's working, i'm playing, so i'll come back manana. 


  • Ken

    Sounds just Lovely Monty, don't inhale!

  • XC Triker

    Crop dusters & meat bombers (sky diver planes)--   completely unpredictable !!!  Actually, the prediction is that they will do exactly what you think they shouldn't do--  like take off right at you opposite the preferred direction when you've called out every point in the pattern and now that you're on short base to final !!  Well, crop dusters don't use a radio ...

  • Monty

    i snuck up real early this morning , he didn't show up, probly skairt! (not!) i tried not to breathe deep, in case i got one of those "four hour extentions" the ads are always warning us about! who knows what crap they are spraying , they do make crops grow, don't they? had a great flight, up and downy  and round and roundy , followed by a really spiffy landing, (that nobody else saw, dammit!).