Results for "cross wind landings"

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  • Trike Shimmying at landing

    ...sp;We did a few touch and gos, on two of the landings we felt a significant probably a bit faster, with about 6 mile cross wind. Has anyone who owns a Navaj...r and slightly deflated tire, coupled with a cross wind landing and all of the above coul...

  • Intermediate Syndrome

    ...s 7) preflights and maintenance 8) weather fragility 9) cross winds take offs and landings 10) what to do if cross winds are too strong to land 11) landi...s see you 13) special dangers of tail wind takeoffs and landings 14) low and fast 15) trim sys...

  • Cross Country (Long Distance) Flying Prep & Gear

    Hi all, I wanted to start a blog about cross country flying. For new pilots who are exploring long cros...blanket, knife etc?   How do you prepare for a cross co...

  • Dead Stick Mondays

    ...ed to practice some power off landings.  At least a dozen....ground I of course always did landings with out power, but I rea...ower on base and then on down wind leg.  Gradually increase alt...hallenging conditions, higher winds, more cross wind component, known mechanical...

  • Learning to Land - consistently!?

     I am looking for your assistance s...real thing. This is how we do all my landings. I have only once or twic...und-out and hold-off. During my first landings - seeing the runway rushing u...ow height stall if there is a gust or wind shadow. This is the problem....

  • The Signs Were There - when not to fly!

    Today I got some flying experience.  I learned a lesson o...when you take it on. The wind at 2000ft was VRB/15.  We...ure.  Within seconds the wind increased, the wing began mov...rmic, and from my port side - crosswind!  The sugar cane wa...

  • Paraglider dashboard, must have FREE Android cell phone app I downloaded this...ther apps.  It estimates the wind vector in real time while in circle with you drift downwind. And if you plot your velocit...le in the display, you get a good wind est...

  • Teen's high flying dream lands him in Marion: 3 Days & 900 Miles take off from, using a headwind for lift, the field sloped things got hairy. The winds picked up to more than 12 kno...wind speed for take offs and landings, more than that and the p...m home safe on his first solo cross country flight. "The r...

  • Gibbo Manta 17 wing First Impressions

    ...air time, probably not ideal cross country wings (but then I don't care much for cross country flying). I love to fl...Today I flew in absolutely no wind conditions at all (maybe 1 mil...took off again (there was no wind, so it didn't matter which en...

  • Chuck Norris- Probably THE most famous Trike Pilot

    When Chuck Norris flies, the altimeter setting is 00.00 ---  Chuck Norris is never under pr...en Chuck Norris is on board Chuck Norris has never landed with a crosswind. The wind would never dare get cross wi...