Tags: grand canyon, trikes, cliffs, northwing, aircreation, airborne, Featured
Tags: Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia, Exmouth, airborne, microlight, flying, aviation, Cape Range
Airborne Cracking Problem Identified.
Joe Swift I just picked up this post from another trike site concerning a problem with a component that have been identified as having a cracking problem and I thought it important enough to pass it along to our members here who fly Airborne trikes with out delay. This post read...Tags: airborne, denny, information, having, trikes
Learning to Land - consistently!?
I am looking for your assistance so PLEASE chime in if you have words of encouragement and wisdom. Today I left the field deflated and frustrated. I didn't solo. The weather was just right - but I wasn't. Now don't get me wrong - even though a lot of the disappointment ...Tags: trike, xt-912, learning, training, airborne, microlight, queensland
Airborne Windsports Australia - Microlights
Exchange your Airborne Microlight experiences, modifications, warnings, maintenance and any other ideas in this group. Manufacturer Website: http://www.airborne.com.au/pages/microlights.php Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Airborne-Microlights-and-Hang-Gliders/203686909673872?re...Tags: microlight, trike, airborne, australia, new south wales, Redhead
Tags: trike, xt-912, learing, training, airborne, microlight, queensland
Tags: airborne, spare, parts, ordering
AirBorne Microlight /Trike Wing Nose Channel Mandatory Service Bulletins
I just came across a bulletin from 2003 that may be worth keeping in mind when you registration inspect your trike, and especially if your wing is older than 2004. http://www.airborne.com.au/pages/directive_pdf.phpTags: Service bulletin, airborne, trike
This is how the front fork carrier should NOT look...
Just checked mine and all is good. (2007 Airborne XT-912 Tourer). (12/1/2013) Well it's doesn't need an xray... Upon closer inspection of a photo from Saturday, and another closer inspection today - I found a crack. (14/1/2013). It wasn't too obvious but it's the...Tags: xt-912, airborne, crack, weld, fork carrier
An Account of my Solo Last Week.
Knowing that choosing to depart the Earth for the heavens implies the responsibility of a safe return to Terra Firma, brings forth many emotions that tangle and weave in our minds. Today (8/1/2013) has left me light headed and giddy as to what I really feel. It will take time to sort out ...Tags: solo, microlight, trike, flying, pilot, airborne, emotion, experience, thrill