Tags: How to use this site, Alltrikes, Trike Flying, Trikes, Weight Shift Control Aircraft, Lightsport & Ultralights, Powered Hang Gliders
Site Moderator / Moderation (Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down & Reported Content)
This site is "Self Moderated:" We all know of potentially great sites where all the "normal" Trike Pilots left as the wolves fought it out. Eventually, virtually the only members left posting were just the "wolves." We all want a site that is friendl...Tags: How to use this site, Help, Site Help, Moderation, Moderator, Thumbs Down, Thumbs Up, Trikes, Trike Flying, Trike Pilot, Weight Shift Control Aircraft, Lightsport & Ultralights, Powered Hang Gliders, interesting, aggressive, situation, strategy, delete
Unmanned Aircraft in the Skies- News Article
Posted by XC Triker ~ 11/25/12 FAA suspends site selection for UAS airspace integration: I for one am glad! We need more REAL pilots in the skies! From: http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/faa-suspends-site-selection-for-uas-airspace-integration-379267/  ...Tags: Unmanned Aircraft, UAVs, Drones, Alltrikes, Trike Flying, Trikes, Weight Shift Control Aircraft, Lightsport & Ultralights, Powered Hang Gliders
Tags: Friends, Collections, How to use this site, Trike Flying, Trikes, Weight Shift Control Aircraft, WSC, Lightsport, Ultralights, Powered Hang Gliders
Friends!!! "Why have any" and "How to manage the ones you have" (Collections, setting Access)
We all need friends. Well all of us except Oscar the Sesame Street Grouch. Friends here can do all the same things for you socially that friends any where can, make as many as you'd like. However, at AllTrikes, you can also manage your friends. When you friend someone here, they ...Tags: How to Use this Site, Friends, UnFriending, Collections, Managing Friends, Trike Flying, Trikes, Weight Shift Control Aircraft, WSC, Lightsport, Ultralights, Powered Hang Gliders
Embedding Content-- Photos, Videos, Links, etc
Embedded content can be a photo or movie. There is a Screenshot "Embedded" below: To embed content into a Page, first create a page or Edit a current page. Position your cursor at the area you want to Embed the picture at. (for example below I clicked the cursor after ("Embed!!...Tags: Embedding Content, Categories, Tags, How to use this Site, Trike Flying, Trikes, Weight Shift Control Aircraft, WSC, Lightsport, Ultralights, Powered Hang Gliders
Watching for Traffic: Techniques, UAVs, and other things that go "whiz"
1) Look to the right side of this page ---> under the word "Navigation." ------>--------> 2) Find the little box with the plus sign in it "[+]" 3) Click on that box to get an expanded list of topics (sub-pages) about this site "Al...Tags: Traffic, Techniques, UAVs, things that go "whiz", Trike Flying, Trikes, Weight Shift Control Aircraft, WSC, Lightsport, Ultralights, Powered Hang Gliders
Which video here do you like best (respond by 11/26) (test of the video contest polling system)
Tags: How to use this site, video, Poll, Trike Flying, Trikes, Weight Shift Control Aircraft, WSC, Lightsport, Ultralights, Powered Hang Gliders
About This Website-- AllTrikes.com: Help, Logging In, How To's, Details, etc.
For Help Logging In, contact Admin @ AllTrikes.com For Really Basic Site Info, click HERE SEARCH: Search on this site is very powerful and organiz...Tags: How to use this site, How To, Finding your way around this site, Moderator, Rules, Code of Conduct, Alltrikes, Trike Flying, Trikes, Weight Shift Control Aircraft, Lightsport & Ultralights, Powered Hang Gliders, Trike Pilot, restriction, viewed, privileges, general, setting
Icons in the Upper Right Corner: the Thumb tack (Bookmark), RSS Feed, Search this Site, etc
About The Icons near the upper right corner of the screen: First of all, hover your mouse pointer for a couple seconds over almost any thing on this website and a popup will tell you what the item is. This includes a member's Avatar-- hover and it will tell you their registered name. ...Tags: How to use this site, Icons, Settings, Sprocket, RSS, Bookmark, Thumbtack, Alltrikes, Trike Flying, Trikes, Weight Shift Control Aircraft, Lightsport & Ultralights, Powered Hang Gliders