Skills: trike flying
Tags: trike flying, sail, rocket
Tags: Annonymous Posting, No Stupid Questions, Concerns, how to use this site, about this site, help, trike pilot, trike flying
FAA Safety Tip : Propeller Basics
FAA Safety Team | Safer Skies Through Education Maintenance Safety TipNotice Number: NOTC4453 Propeller BasicsPart 2 Operators and maintainers of uncertified or experimental aircraft should apply a great level of vigilance in the maintenance and inspection of th...Tags: trike flying, propeller
The fortune cookie that changed my life
Here is a shot of the aerotrekking article, and my fortune cookie wisdom that started me on my journey toward being a trike pilotTags: fortune cookie, article, trike flying, pilot lessons, Featured
Tags: Jozinko, trike flying, video, Znojmo
Tags: Jozinko, fuelling, trike flying, cross country
Tags: Jozinko, trike flying, microlight, ultralight, MZK, Vankovia
Tags: Jozinko, Dedenko, trike flying, microlight, ultralight, MZK
Tags: Jozinko, trike flying, microlight, ultralight, evening