Results for "Strobe Light installation on Wheel Pants"


  • Electric Trike?

    You know, these guys from Earthstar are only about 50 miles form me and part of the PRUA prop, battery technology, you can choose your electric propulsion system. On many light...


    this was todays F.U. i had flown, landed, decided i n...drifted a coupla feet too far left, the wheel hit a berm and over we went....s' accounts. i personally won't attempt flights from this particular 'curved...dreds of times before! my 'skinny' tires/wheel...


    I'm not sure if I already posted this, but it may be worth a review. T...I would strongly recommend you replace it before your next flight...portune times! I was LUCKY! It would fly fine for 5 or 6 flight...