Results for "Smallest V-12"



  • Takeoff from Mexican Mountain

    When I preflighted my trike, I noticed a very thin layer of frost on my wings.  I knew frost on the wing was les..., but I took off anyway.  I'll never do that again.  It was just the smal...

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  • World's Smallest V-12

    V-12's are the perfectly balanced engine. I'd like two of these light little guys on a soaring trike! Kinda looks like this one is run on compressed gas. Now whe...


  • World's Smallest V-12

    V-12's are the perfectly balanced engine. I'd like two of these light little guys on a soaring trike! Kinda looks like this one is run on compressed gas. Now where could a guy get a source of compressed gas while flying ...? Methane maybe? .... Maybe one of our wives knows of a seemingly ...

    Tags: Smallest V-12, 48 Cylinder Kawasaki