Results for "Rizzy's blogs"



  • And finally we meet

    After many years of knowing Rizzy through phone calls and triking sites I finally got to meet Rizzy Wizzy. He and his delightful family stopped by for breakfast this morning. Thanks Riz! Great to finally meet you

  • Ken and Skywriter!

    Had breakfast this am with John "Ole" Olson (@WingedGringo). He got snowed o...ou have a chance go over an check out his website. My favorite among his blogs is his run in with the US Bor...

  • +19 more Photos


Discussion topics

  • Drift HD vs Drift Ghost

    I am thinking of investing in my next camera. I am leaning more towards Drift camera. I have used GoPro in the past. What is the significant difference between...

  • My terrifying Trike flight story

    Hi everyone, I would like to share a terrifying trike story. This happened back in 2009, this was the day before my solo.I think I will start with the moral of my sto...


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