Results for "North Wing Maverick"

Top-level pages

  • Common Dog 01

    "Common Dog" ... 01 Welcome to "Common Dog" number one. As the na...These are only four standard runway numbers which denote North, South, and East, West runways. So if North is...

  • Is Bionix 15 compatible with trikes other than Air Creation

    Does anyone know if Bionix 15 wing is compatible with other buggy's such as Northwing Navajo? Does anyone know. Or is it only for Air Creation trike?  

  • is it time

    is it time to banish complacency ? not in any way blaming this as a cause for rebs acc...what can we do to continue and enhance our 'floppy wing flying things' addiction? ove...ork for you!) i would also like to see, somewhere a wing gra...

  • What is Part 103 and why have a separate group for ULs?

    So what is Part 103?  In the USA in 1982 the FAA initially define Federal Airc...particular aircraft.  A Revo with slow trimmed wing can fly l&s but its speed...ent parts of the chassis structure, engine and even wing.&nb...


    ok, since some old 'talian guy, name of D'VINCI put out some DIY plans for a h...and waiting to see! for instance why aren't wing ribs (batterns) pumped up and down to change wing contour? (like my varicose ve...ive way to composites, both in 'chariot and wing. wh...

  • Northwing Apache sport 2-seater

    How's reliable on the 2006 Northwing Apache Sport and 2006 Mustang-2 17m wing? It has MZ202 engine.   Need your opinion.

  • 'it's a little airyplane'

    i frequently trailer my trike, and often, inquisitive earthlings ask 'what is it'? &nb...rike, and it don't fly!  using fed-speak 'flex-wing' only makes it seem it is that we fly. hardly anyone suggested 'flex-wing', b...


    another pet peeve of mine is mfrs manuals. my 1961 suzuki came with 'hint...garet till he passes. my cosmos  wings manuals all came with ' 8mins are required to assemble the wing, it takes me that long to dec...mins are, like dog years, 7 to 1?? my northwin...

  • Slithering Through the Air With the Greatest of Ease

    How SNAKES achieve aerodynamic flying shapes !!! "An airborne serpent can be the stuff of nightmares...r a delicious aerodynamic puzzle."  Better aerodynamics than typical wing cro...

  • 2013 done!

    hi people!  i just commited my last aviation of 2013, didn't go any where, just round and roundy, up...bsp;and everlasting thanks to ole who done teached me to fly these 'floppy-wing thi...