Results for "Nav"

Top-level pages

  • Why we have a Radio...

    ...nbsp;          There is VHF-NAV equipment in some radios as w...s like the VTC (Visual Terminal Chart, Enroute Chart (ERC) or the Visual Navigation Chart (VNC) you will s...

  • TrikeMag Second edition now out

    ...ur roving Cadet Reporter, Toucan Roy, has been despatched to Slovakia to awaken our favourite Slovakian Trike Pilot. However Toucan Roy has limited navigational skills. Last I heard...

  • Trike Shimmying at landing

    I went with my friend for a flight today, I fly a Northwing Navajo with HKS 700e. We did a few touch...bably a bit faster, with about 6 mile cross wind. Has anyone who owns a Navajo trike exprienced this? som...

  • Night Ride Home

    ...y.  Steve, keen to play the part of the seasoned aviator and master navigator, assured us of a s...s GPS; half a mile later we were wading through a "little" river that AirNav Pro had somehow neglected to...

  • Profi TL vs Northwing Mustang 15 on an HKS 700e Navajo trike

    Hi Peeps, I am in the market for a faster wing. I fly a Northwing Navajo with an HKS 700e engine. Currently I fly a Manta 17 meter wing. My current wing is very docile and hands of...