Results for "Medical Exam"




  • Visitors

    3 guys with 3 trikes arrived from Dubová airport. All of them was here first time. One of them - Jany Lacúch did a practical exam for qualification: Instructor - Tandem pilot. Who was a strict inspector (CFI)? It was me... :)

  • Novy dvor - a goulash meeting

    I flew to Novy Dvor - it's a small village about more than 100km South from my airport. There was a trike pilot sudent waited to me - to his final exam. It was nice sunny day and I...


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  • Cross Country flight

    I flew to Nitra airport for trike instructor and his student and made him a final theoretical and practical exam for pilot licence. BTW new Apollo TL wing was really horribly in thermal weather... Next we all - 4 trikes - flew to Prusy airport for a goulash party.

  • 2018 Glacier National Park Flight

    This was my 5th flight over the park. My most favorite place to fly in USA. I flew alone this time since my friend's...different types of personal beacon and emergency pack including water, foods, medi...


  • Pilot's Tip of the Week- Keeping your Medical

    Many of you chose trikes because as a Light Sport Aircraft, a medical is not required.  However, there are many trike pilots with Private Pilot License  (For differences between Sport & Private Privileges click HERE) Subscriber Question: "The greatest fear among pilo...

    Tags: Medical Exam, What to say on the form, Private Pilot, Sport Pilot, medical, pilots, private, truth, click