Results for "Hang Glide"

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    i've read about 'goose stepping', seen results of it, but until this AM i had'nt dun it.' these flexy-wing thingeys  since 1993 i thought i was getting the hang...

  • Safety!

    ...:  Your POWERFUL site for friendly, Trikes, Trike Flying, Trike Pilot, Weight Shift Control Aircraft, WSC, Lightsport, Ultralights, Powered Hang Gliders, Microlights, and a whole l...

  • My Sunday Flight

    ...for  the day. A few passes around and we noticed a couple of hang gliders that looked like they were...on . On landing we met Mike and Mike, and found out that they weren't hang gliders... but trikes. They had cam...

  • Brain teasers for those that believe down wind turns are "different".

    ...hese brain teasers. Primary context is hang gliding but also applies to decorate the outside of the gondola hang limp. Anyone who has ever bee...toward the south)? (Extra credit for hang glider pilots: do you have to "flare" your glider differently when landing on...

  • Dead Stick Mondays

    I found this post over on the ultralight yahoo group. I though it was pretty good...Because simulated engine out landings build confidence in your ability to judge glide path, ability to hit a target...

  • World-Wide Triking Hall of Fame-- Taking Nominations for 2013

             the World Wide Triking Hall of Fame Major sports & interests all have halls...our sport of Triking (also known as Weight Shift Control, Triking & Powered Hang...

  • Aeros offering bigger discount celebrating 26th anniversary

    ...d up with our standard discount for full prepayment (2% for order of wings and 3% for order of trikes). That is, total 5% discount for orders of hang gliders and trike wings and 6% for...

  • Intermediate Syndrome

    We have had a spike in relatively new pilots getting into trouble this year.  You learn a lot in the first ye...lots, many of them GA pilots.  The best way to figure this stuff out is to hang...

  • Goats and Wedgies in Australia

    ...nbsp; Besides Goat and Archy, they also fly a hang-glider as well as a trike. They not only appreciated by the few ultralight glider-pilots, but by some Wedge-ta...and ultraviolet bands.  A prime ability, glider-pilots would be keen to poss...

  • When I learned my lesson about Dew Point-- TIWTIWGTD

    ...s Thought I Was Going To Die) Hang Glider stories though.  He sa...ackground to the story.  Hang Gliders and Sailplanes typically u...mperature.  Things were changing VERY rapidly, it was whitin...HERE's a movie of a Hang Glider flying the Morning Glory in...