Results for "Great Wing"


  • Epic retrieve

    While flying the coast yesterday, one of our group of three pilots suffered an engine...e engine and propeller were removed for balance and are in the second raft. The wing was folded and rafted across...

  • Ice Maiden up close & personal

    As we here at Yarrawonga are all aware, YFT is a prolific in flight photographer of Trikes flying with him, however...during yesterdays epic new years flight to Albury, in an effort to rectify this grea...

  • Floatfest 2013

    Floatfestfest 2013 was a success with ten aircraft showing up over a 3-day period.  The weather was great except for one mid-day when the high winds allowed all to swap stories.  The final day e...

  • Channel Island Trip

    I had been wanting to do this flight for a while.  I had flown to Catalina before, but in some ways this that says they will prosecute you for landing there), strong cold currents, grea...

  • Deer strike on landing

    This could ruin your entire day………………. When a deer hits your Citation upon landing, ruptures the wing’s fuel tank and sprays...

  • Mt Beauty Gathering of Moths

    YFT great weekend.... at Gathering of Moths T...n was set many weeks before to have a great weekend of flying. They say t...afternoon was spent sitting under the wings of the aircraft keeping out o...Time for a drink and to reflect on a great days flying, socializing, an...

  • The Grand Circle - 2014

    ...y we flew to Ibex Hard Pan, and then east following I-70 through the mountains to...test layer of frost will degrade the lift on a wing.  BEWARE.  After a...ns before descending to Hooper's Pool near the Great Sand Dunes.  Hooper's P...

  • Split in Prop (CSI)

    The Trike is an Airborne XT-912 with a Arrow wing. The aircraft is only six months old. It now lives in Darwin Australia. It is a one owner and the pilot was trained by me at YFT. Afte...

  • Trike Recovery!!!!

    ...iler was a little beat up, but mostly cosmetic damage. The Trike was in great shape. It was missing the bat...s of the trailer are gone. Tables, chairs, bicycles, tool boxes ect. My wing Battens and my front compress...

  • DARE to be SAFE

    ...past can pave the future.. a wise man told me, he was my dad... One great achievement flight has inject...hat is to be safe. Enjoy a few archive files of four decades in flexwing flight.. some information is...