Comment on "Only a few hours Left on SPOT Locator Beacon Deal"
If you subscribe to the "Breadcrumb" feature of the Spot Locator, and let friends / family know when to expe...;This is very useful. I went the cheap route and got the McMurdo beacon because there are no subscrip...Comment on "lets say you had to do an engine out landing in a remote region, youre passenger has a broken leg, you have an injury that prevents walking a long distace for help. your radio wont work. how good are your survival skills in all seasons"
Personal beacon is "MUST" item, when you fly in remote area.California Dreamin', California Pilots Association Convention Oct 18-19 2013
Please join us KSBP Jet Center. October 18-19. Friday night, Beach Burger Fry and Dance, wine tasting, raff...Some auction items; Dynon D1 Portable EFIS, Sennheiser ANR Headset, SPOT GPS Locato...Only a few hours Left on SPOT Locator Beacon Deal
I am not a SPOT dealer, nor do I have one. A friend forwarde me this email (link and photo below) where (if I understand correctly) you can get a deal on free service conract for your SPOT locator if you buy one now. Christmas Gift!!?? SPOT, GPS Locator Beacon, Safety, Cross Country, XC, Trike Flying, Trikes, Weight Shift Control Aircraft, WSC, Lightsport, Ultralights, Powered Hang Gliders
Survival: A grief-stricken father’s mission
"“She ended up freezing to death out there” Lenz said, ... “She succumbed to hypothermia and collapsed face down in the snow. She ended up freezing to death out there by herself.”" Mark Lenz has the rest of his life to wonder what might have been, to ponde...Tags: Wilderness, Survival, Crash, Cold, Fatality, Death, Flight Plan, ELT, GPS Locator Beacon, 121.5 MHz, emergency locator transmitter, survived, succumbing, miles, daughter shyann, freezing to death