Results for "Clouds"






  • Cloud

    Occasionally I see clouds like in the picture. What does this type of cloud tell you. I am wondering if this means there are strong winds aloft. Trying to read the sky better from the ground. Thoughts?


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  • 9 Meeting Barry Maggio (Posted June 25th evening)

    Posted June 25th evening: Meeting Barry MaggioJohn let me sleep in until 7 AM..."wake up, we need to get ready toleave in half an hour". He had an early breakfast meeting and I hadto hustle so he wouldn't be late. Immediately afterwards we were goingto the airport to load the trikes and head nort...

    Tags: John, Barry, Lakewood NJ, Weather, Chesapeake Bay, Clouds, Delaware, New Jersey, Statue of Liberty, Lady Liberty, Trike Flying, World Class Trike Flights, QuickR, Trike Flying, Long Distance XC, XC, Cross-Country

  • 12 Groundhog Day (Again)- More in this Long DistanceTrike Flying Adventure series

    Groundhog Day (Again) -  More in this Long DistanceTrike Flying AdventureThis morning, AGAIN, I waited a while in the hopes that the clouds/mistwould burn off in the Pittsburg, PA area, then took off from Duboiswhere it was mostly clear with just a few high clouds. Pittsburg wasVFR at t...

    Tags: Long DistanceTrike Flying Adventure, Trike Pilot, Groundhog Day, MVFR, VFR, Pittsburg, Clouds

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