Tags: Trike Flying 1989, Australia, Wombat TV, Buzzard Arrow
Living on the Edge..more History
Never attempt this type of trike flying..1990 was a time of extreme fun & experience development for flying trikes in Australia. Enjoy.Tags: Extreme Landing, 1990 Triking, Australia
First Flight of the Year- 2013 and First World-Wide Virtual Trike Fly-In!!!!
YFT is having another First Flight of the Year 2013. Meet at YFT Hangar 19 at 0600 hours for a flight into D-Class airspace and then back to YFT for breakfast. All welcomeTags: World-Wide Fly-In, Trike, Virtual, Australia, YFT, Yarrawonga Aerodrome, 2013, New Year's Day
Tags: First of Type Acceptance, Tanarg 912s BioniX 13, Australia, YFT
Cool little story about a Sea Eagle in Stanwell Park
Sea Eagle hitches a ride! Read here: http://www.illawarramercury.com.au/story/1206771/sea-eagle-hitches-a-ride-on-hang-gliders/?cs=12Tags: sea eagle, hang glider, NSW, Australia, Stanwell Park
Air Creation meets RA-Aus Head Office
Arrive at the head office for RA-Aus, Recreational Aviation Australia to discuss the QCS Certification Requirements with importing YFT's new Tanarg BioniX 13... all good, and CASA delegate is on hand to confirm we have a level playing field. Yahoo!Tags: RA-Aus Certification, Australia, Feature Me
Australia has a new Tanarg BioniX 13
YFT is shifting the weight..new Tanarg 912s (100hp) BioniX 13 arrives today for assembly and compliance acceptance..stay tuned!Tags: Australia, Tanarg 912s BioniX 13
YFT Tanarg evolves from the box..
A very happy day at YFT - Peter & Anne's new Tanarg 912s (100hp) is assembled and prepared for the QCS inspections in Australia. A sexy trike oozing lots of yellow, carbon fibre, and style with aroma's of just built..such a pity Peter has no sense of smell!Tags: YFT, Sexy Tanarg 912s, Australia
The paper chase for compliance registration at YFT
Peter & Chris conduct the QCS inspections of the YFT Tanarg 912s BioniX 13 for (First of Type) compliance acceptance registration in Australia.Tags: Quality Control System, Compliance Acceptance, Registration, Australia, Feature Me
Tags: QCS Acceptance, Tanarg BioniX 13, Australia