Results for "Sabre Trike"


  • Learning Trike Landings Part 2

    Learning Trike landings with the low approach technique. In addition to the low approach landing technique, a surprise engine failure landing is demonstrated.

  • My 10 years old son Zach's first trike flight with live audio

    My 10 years old son Zach's first trike flight with live audio. I hope you enjoy it. Truth be told, I was a little nervous before the take off. But my son was another story, totally fearless and enjoying the flight. Kids are just awesome. I hope I can give him many more memories like this one.

  • Heated clothing for cold weather flying

    Paul Hamilton shows his design of electric heating for cold weather flying. He shows the clothing he uses, how the trike is set up for electric heating, and how to run the numbers to decide what you can use for your ultralight, trike, open air airplane, microlight weight-shift control.

  • First test flight of my NW Maverick II Legend / JCV-360 / Pacer

    This was my first test flight of my new North Wing Maverick II Legend trike with JCV-360 engine and 13M Pacer wing. Thanks to my trike pilot friend Don for taking the video. I'm still learning to edit video and blend in music.

  • Trike Flying and Fly Fishing, now this is fun!!!

    Trike Flying with Fly cool is this!!!

  • Krista's Trike Ride

    I took my niece Krista for a 3.2 hour trike to my favorite spots in the desert west of Belen. We saw the Pools, Arroyo Pato, Valley of the Horses, the Bump, Jaws of Death, Caldron of He...

  • Revo Trike Flys NV

    Here is the VIMEO link Beautiful 2+ hour flight from Calvada Meadows Airport NV to Furnace Creek Airport and back with Leo Fitzgerald. 20+ mph winds picked up just as we were coming in for landing at sunset! Revo Trike Flight from Peter Del Vecho on Vimeo.

  • Not the first but the last in the monsoon

    It is always a memorable event doing high attitude stall avoidence in a trike. At such a high attitude extreme maneuver. If not performed properly, the trike can tuck and tumble which is...

  • Epic 9000 miles Journey with Ultralight Trike in 2014

    This is the compilation of my trike flights in year 2014, in the states of Montana, Idaho, Washington, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona and California. Many thanks to the people partic...

  • Electric Trike?

    You know, these guys from on a engine-less soaring trike. You know a couple of the...ightful place from ( for sale? Edit comment ULtrikepilot ULtrikepilot 4 hours...zzyWizzy 32 minutes ago XC Triker, no I don't have any used on...