Results for "Lucinda's solo flight"


  • Morning Glory Flight 2010

    Flight from Burketown Northern Australia. Morning glory Roll Cloud.

  • Flight with StarLite (Hot Air Balloon)

    I enjoyed the flight around StarLite (hot air balloon) early in the morning over Santa Paula Airport.

  • Aeros Ant Low and Slow flight

    This is a low and slow flight of an Aeros Ant Trike. I won't fly like this, seems too close for comfort but it is entertaining. Hope you enjoy it too.

  • Evening Trike Flight

    Short trike flight around Quitman-Brooks County Airport, (4J5).

  • first engine running

    I hope I finished today... On next veekend we will have the Aeromeeting near Myjava city. Im happy because it will my first cross country flight in present year. It will my first flight... :) I checked oil, petrol, warming engine, checked radio and intercom. Im ready!

  • second flight 2020

    My second flight this year. Martin flew with me and Henrich flew on his own PeaBee.

  • Lisa's First Trike Flight

    Here is a fun little video of Lisa overcoming her worries and fears. Leo Fitzgerald took her up for her first trike flight over the skies of Pahrump and for a minute below ground level. Fear quickly turned into an incredible experience. Kudos Lisa!

  • Rhythm of Flight - Canada

    The Rhythm of flight series is one I recommend you follow. This is one on HG in Canada. Some awesome landscapes to see from a birds eye view. Even highlights the Canadian Nationals at Lumby, BC. Unfortunately they do show a botched launch. Hope the pilot made full recovery. Enjoy.

  • Yarrawonga Flight Training

    Here is a video I made around a year or so ago. Basically, it is an unsolicited promotional video for Yarrawonga Flight Training. I was so impressed with Peter and Anne's operation, I felt I had to share it to the world!

  • Flight To The Mouth Of The Grand Canyon

    Flight from Moapa Valley over Devil's Throat to the western entrance of the Grand Canyon. Overcast made for poor video quality. Not our best but thought I would post it anyway for the poor souls up north dreaming of airtime.