Results for "es-trike"


  • Turbine Powered Trike

    Figured you all would get a kick out of this turbine powered trike. "pasadas rapidas con un ultraligero pendular con motores a reacción en peñascosa (albacete)" Past ultra fast with a pendulum with jet engines in rocky (Albacete)

  • great video to show how much fun ridge soaring can be

    many trike pilots never talk about ridge soaring or thermaling this is a video i liked and i thought i would share it.soaring a ridge or entering a thermal flying like...

  • Trike Love

    All this talk about trike LOVE, reminded me of this video. I tried to find it, but couldn't find it in the videos- finally found it in the comments section for True G...

  • StingRay

    My first flight with my new StingRay wing. Martin,  my ex-student, flew with me there on our school trike. 

  • Inspect your 912 Idle Jets? WHY?!?

    I had my idle jets completely block up on my Trike last fall to the point my engine wouldn't idle.  Here, I thought I'd just check the idles on my Sportcruiser for the heck of it.  Sure glad I did!

  • Húšky

    We flew at Hušky on annual goulash party. Husky is like a small recreational area where my friend lives and he has his trike there. There is no runway, no airport... a field only

  • From Sand To Snow

    A fun weekend of trike flying from Lake Havasu AZ to Highland Range NV.

  • Trike Globetrotters on the move - Grenada to Union Island (St.Vincent & the Grenadines)

    Finally - after 6 weeks waiting for reasonable flying conditions - we could leave Grenada today just half hour after sunrise to fly over the Caribbean islands Grenada an...

  • Water Skimming on the Virgin River

    I know this is not my first post of a flight along the Virgin River but this one is for back seater Derrick. Derrick is waiting on his new trike and hasn't had a fix in months. So we went skimming for a bit.

  • Zack, Ground Crew for the Trike

    This is an old video, but I thought I should share it with you, here my 4 years old son Zack is putting in hard work to be able to fly the trike someday. He is 7 years old now. Rizzy