Results for "Training Bars"


  • Emergency landings training

    These are the last Lubošs flights as a student. On Thursday 5th July he passed theoretical and practical exams for his pilot licence. 

  • Martin Advanced training

    Windy, crosswind, thermal, navigation, emergency landings, spirals and recovery

  • Lubos

    The Introductory flight for Lubos. Next step - We're going to do training :)

  • A little advanced

    Heňo has about 8 hrs of his training, then we started a little advanced flying.

  • Henrich's training

    Henrich (Heňo) is my new student.

  • Training

    the situation: you are standing on the ground and you are watching at the trike in the sky what is going to land. Usually you can see the bottom side of trike. My question is: what is a chance to see upper side of wing? see at 2:30 It was the stall what I mentioned some days before...

  • something from training

    He was quite good, then I decided to simulate him lost of engine power after take off. As you can see he did two mistakes very shortly step by step. Because the view to the approaching ground is terrible, he decided push the bar out. I had to correct it.

  • Looking back at Heňo's training

    Crosswind and turbulence. Heňo is no longer a student of Rogallo Team. Today he successfully passed the final examination and he became the trike PILOT. 

  • Bonners Ferry Fun

    What a great time meeting new friends and reacquainting with old friends. A new chapter in my training opened at Bonners Ferry. Huge THANKS going out to Leo Fitzgerald of

  • Los Angeles Flight- Day & NIGHT

    Private Pilot Night Training in an Air Creation Tanarg trike flying down to Los Angeles then over the city at night with Matt Liknaitzky. A lot of preparation and study went into this, but when all was said and done Matt said, "That was Awesome! Too much Fun!"