Results for "Landing Light"


  • 20161229 Caldron of Hell and Jaws of Death Canyon

    ...s place until on one of my early flights about 30 miles away for the ai.... What a pleasant surprise. This flight may appear somewhat risky, an...reas I could set down for a rough landing, then deal with a long hike...the side. When compared to other flights over water or over dense for...

  • High Altitude Flights over Crested Butte and Marble Colorado

    ...the day, we took a 1 hour sunset flight to play around the high mountai...not ever take off with even the slightest hint of frost on your wing...miles in a relaxing flight before landing at Crested Butte. Ama...est ever. I wrote up a 6 part flightlog which has all the details...

  • Glen Canyon 360 VR new 360 VR video of my trike flight up Glen Canyon. You can drag yo...ier. This was probably the best flight of my life.  The weather...cted, calm and smooth the entire flight. I had flown over the top of...beach to set down, or a BRS water landing as a last resort. Heading...


    ...ens, not relying on 'eye witness' accounts. i personally won't attempt flights from this particular 'curved r...ker take off, i had hoped that the phat tires would give me a chance of landing on a ploughed surface, whic...