Results for "First Time"

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  • Time is Flight Training’s Critical Cost

    Time is Flight Training’s Critical Cost By Sc...nts. But in order of importance, money must follow time, a finite resource that can n...learning to fly can squander vast amounts of both time and money if either member of...

  • Nav Flight App for Android... PPGps!

      I was introduced to this app today for andr...PGpS.aspx   I especially like the real time on line tracking, and the export kml files. There is a wealth of real time inflight data also....

  • giggle

    post-war brittain (and europe) wasn't a fun place. everyt...iggle, how about you! i pulled up on internet 'what time is it eccles ?. take your 'giggle' test.... youtube-the goon show-what time is it eccles-flv....   &...

  • Trike Shimmying at landing

    ...e cross wind. Has anyone who owns a Navajo trike exprienced this? sometimes I think due to a four stroke&...anding and all of the above could have contributed to the shimmy. The first time my speed during the shimmying...

  • Aircraft maintenance a "necessary evil"? / Waddington Efffect : Opinion Mike Busch, a well-known A&P/IA and owner of Savvy Aviator

    ...cise); it's a necessary evil (like surgery). We have to do it from time to time, but we sure don't want t...of the recent local fatal GA (not trike) crash of a plane on it's first flight after it's annual...

  • The Case of the Missing Pilot

    The Case of the Missing Pilot A pilot left home ab...out the door he answered his wife's "what time will you be home?" quest...he was very friendly, and a good companion to spend time with. Before I knew it, we we...

  • Wish me luck everyone...

    Tomorrow I am having my check flight and final exam - and all going well I shall b...mean Certified Pilot. Today I almost completed 5 hours of my required solo time.  It's been a blast,...

  • 2017 Calendar

    OK folks, time again to get the photo nominations for the 2017 calendar. If you have a favorite pic from the last year please recommend it in the comments below, or post it on the site. I'll gather them all up and we can get some votes and get this baby off the ground! 

  • Gyke Update

    (crossposted) 12-7, on 09 Jul 2014 - 05:34, sa...several wings I can put on it. Most of my play time has been devoted to flying my...t's just so much fun that I can't spend any time on my project. I still want t...

  • Final results for me to Learn to Fly.

    As most of you know I am now certified.  Someone...vary due to equipment changes, insurances, etc. Time for me was just over six mont...ue to ex-cyclone rain and winds.  Best settled time of year is Autumn/Winter....