Results for "Glider pilot"

Top-level pages

  • How to install instrumentation on a stick trike

    This page is inspired by the lack of help I got from an...n the right place and alignment to be viewed by the pilot, while keeping everything bel...ere would fit, and be somethign functional that the pilot could reach in flight, etc. T...

  • Ramp Checks

    ...nown by all private (part 91) pilots: Seen at: Part 91 ramp ch...ators ("Commercial" pilots), Part 121 operators (&quo...ou're a Part 91 Private pilot, none of the FAR's about...him. Then he asked to see my pilot license, which I acknowledg...

  • Paraglider dashboard, must have FREE Android cell phone app fantastic.  It was developed by a paraglider pilot, but works great on my trike....sp;I already had this capability, but the paraglider dashboard does something I ha...has enough data to estimate the wind. And paraglider dashboard does this continua...

  • FSA issue 96 - Blind faith

    It's the stuff of nightmares....comes an increasing number of pilots who are willing to depend no...ten free choices available to pilots, only six vendors have been...even by the most experienced pilot. The report also asserts that...ite this, a growing number of pilots are willing to depend entire...

  • Another Trike Crash with Two Fatalities Jefferson County Sheriff Paul Milbrath said in a statement Wednesday the pilot, 51-year-old David Plambeck o...

  • Chuck Norris- Probably THE most famous Trike Pilot

    When Chuck Norris flies, the altimeter setting is 00.00 ---  Chuck Norris is never under pressure. Chuck Norris doesn’t request clearances, he s...

  • is it time

    ...ens it's a wake-up call for ALL of us. if it can happen to a pilot like reb, it can easily get us 'lesser' pilots. so what can WE do to enhanc...other non comercial 'air-beaters', general av, rotary wings, gliders, balloons etc?  are we...

  • Dean Batman foot launch flat kites, flat kites pulled > behind a boat, hang gliders and then on to several ultralights > before moving to trikes although he was a private pilot. Dean was a > strong sup...

  • Justification. Adding Spiral recovery to the PTS

    Based on a number of trike fatalitie...ecause of lack of training of pilots being able to exit intention...(PRS) for the USA so all new pilots and CFI's will start trainin...ze the importance of this for pilots and instructors for the 24 an Air Creation with a new pilot and a CFI. There was a clear...

  • First Flight

    This was my first flight lesson in any aircraft of any kind. How I waited so long I’ll never know, as I had early aspirations of becoming a pilot. I found my way to weight shi...