Results for "atc"

Top-level pages

  • Replacing Rotax 912 Fuel Pump

    ...ld them NOT to replace them. What is your view on it?   Lastly I watched this video on youtube, I b...t have enough pressure and should be replaced.   And a...

  • Incident Report On final Inoticed the student started play with the throttle. I asked him "why". He said " I think I am too high".I said "you are fine so just watch your control inputs ".We the...

  • Congratulations to Jeff

    I was sent the following link recently and had the pleasure of watching Jeff's intelligent, thought-provoking and romantic presntation and in-flight photography. Forgive me if it ha...

  • My Flying and Vlogging Youtube Video Channel 35 subscribers, but then came to a dead halt.  So now it seems there are only 106 people interested in this sport worldwide. If you like watching videos about recreational...

  • Watch out for low flying elk

    Authorities say a leaping elk brought down a research helicopter trying to capture the animal in the mountains of eastern Utah.