Results for "LED"

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  • stones spupidicity 101

    ...r having to REALLY pull back, AND back off the power to fly straight and level, at a paltry 38mph, instead of my usual blindingly fast 50mph. i wobbled around the patch trying to fi...

  • Quotes

    ...the lessons of survival.  Where we may have come from largely disparate backgrounds, the school of flight leaves us as one possessing the knowledge of the ancients” &nda...

  • Why we have a Radio...

    ...bsp;    The airspace is setup in sectors, you have Controlled Airspace or Control Zones (CTR). If you are a recreational pilot you don't normally fly in Controlled Airspace. However you would f...

  • John Farmer died in a Trike Crash

  • A lighthearted tale (several tails) of moronic stupidity...

    ...was the messiest takeoff ever but we're safely airborne with no cows tangled in the wheels and heading for...eburn Range, skiers enjoying the fresh powder and July sunshine are startled by the sound of a microlight....

  • giggle

    ...ggle', i still prefer to giggle than cry. though all these years (and wars) later it still doesn't take much to make me giggle, how about you! i pulled up on internet 'what time is...

  • Trike Shimmying at landing

    ...stroke engine, maybe the rear part of the trike already is heavy to begin with, add a 215 pound passenger and slightly deflated tire, coupled with a cross wind landing and...

  • Your Engine Just Quit, Should You Land On A Road Or A Field?

    ...ndings to see if there was a significant difference in the outcome of road and field landings. We researched the NTSB accident database, and we pulled 10 accidents, 5 that were roa...

  • Night Ride Home

    ...und." We made extraordinarily detailed plans: we'll take camping gea....  A brief blast as a front rolled through from the south, and t...t in and my tentmate and I are snuggled into sleeping bags co-reading...marmalade skies…" So we Beatled our way down the forested fla...

  • Ever thought about flying up into Canada eh?

    ...ordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and time frame. He/she must also maintain appropriate records for the aeroplane, including scheduled maintenance, mandatory action...