Results for "low level flying"

Top-level pages

  • Who is everyone?

    I love that this site is so active (I guess everyone is using this one now instea...r real names (at least their first names) except for occasionally someone like Flying Frog who I believe was simply...

  • When I learned my lesson about Dew Point-- TIWTIWGTD

    ...abitants. I was nearly 2000' above sea level.  Launch was about 700&#...ave wished I had it zoomed in to nearly street level detail.  I had escaped f...  HERE's a movie of a Hang Glider flying the Morning Glory in Australi...

  • New to the site, some questions.

    Again, hello. Im coming from a GA backround and had a...of the main reasons pilots get out of recreational flying and sell their equipment is i...folks (friends and family) who share their passion. flying alone all the time can get bo...

  • The Signs Were There - when not to fly!

    Today I got some flying experience.  I learned a lesson or two!&nb...a.  The skies are blue and looks great for flying. So today I planned a NAV...rm temperature of 22'c made for interesting flying conditions. I learned I c...

  • My Biggest Day Ever Day Trip.

    My most 1day epic flight trip to date.  I flew with some guys from my Aerocl...took one for a scenic fly over Cania Gorge.  Very picturesque. Total flying hours logged for the day 4.5h...

  • Bensen Days - Wauchula, Florida

    Hope to see some Florida trike guys in Wauchula this weekend for Bensen Days. The forecast looks good for trike flying. I’m headed that way in a co...

  • Best Gibbo wing for an HKS700e motor

    This is my dilemma, I really like Gibbo wings, in pict...a 19 meter strutted Northwing. The other day I was flying near Payette, Idaho and the is moving to Idaho next year and I will be flying him quite frequently and want...

  • TRIKE BOOK SALE for Valentine's Day

    A special for sweet couples, that would be you and your trike!  Yes from now un...s.  Still the best value for money trike book on the market today. Happy flying everyone, come home to your s...

  • Pilot's Prayer

    When my flying days are over And from this life I pass..... I hope they bury me upside down So the FAA can kiss my A""

  • Viber text messaging

        I have the ozrunways app for my iPad ( haven't tried are android users) because it would be really good for sending a text while flying, what with the big keyboard a...