Results for "Stick Trike"

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  • New to the site, some questions.

    Again, hello. Im coming from a G...chance to take a flight in a trike two years ago and was hooked....els since I was 6 and to me a trike is basically a motorcycle wit...e and fuel burn will be in my trike. it has the kawasaki 440 engi...from that are specific to my trike to mount it? northwing or BRS...

  • Purple trike!  

  • Jasper Texas Airshow

    Jasper Texas Airshow I talked to the Airshow Manager and he was please...on I’ve been welcomed with open arms when I show up with my gyro or trike in tow. It’s a shame how few gyro and trike guys ever participate. You a...

  • Flying in Turbulence and Thermal Activity

    Hi all, I hope I am NOT the only one here who is not ent.... Few weeks ago, I was flying with an experienced (Trike pilot friend) and he noticed...lty of transferring a lot of bad energy through the Trike carriage. I am not ashamed t...

  • Experimental Condition Inspection Class

    Just saw this on the New Mexico Trikers board trains you how to inspect your trike to perform the FAA annual con...Weight Shift Control Experimental Trike. At the end of the course, if...the most qualified. He works with trikes on a daily basis; identifyin...

  • New Wings for the Airborne Trike

    It seems like Airborne has three new wings for their new trike. I wonder if these wings would be available for their existing trikes.   XR -S  &...

  • Again Almost!

    last friday was lovely, sunny, 50 deg, no w...ling having taken place. i rolled the trike out to an open area far away...t a time. i had the front tire of the trike up against the rear wheel of...his! soon i had 6 guys hanging on the trike and guiding it into the hange...

  • Mentone 2014

    Mentone 2014…I’ve been encouraging trike guys to join in the flying with all the and would be very interested to see some trikes run the course to see how times compare, with gyros and other trikes.  Frankly, I’m no...

  • What is Part 103 and why have a separate group for ULs?

    So what is Part 103?  In th...marize basic requirements for trikes that meet Part 103....requirements are met than the trike is a true ultralight and defined and pursued by any trike pilot. In contrast, part...GA background and fly a heavy trike and have never flown an ultra...

  • A Diary from a Trike Pilot – That has moved to paradise!

    A Diary from a Trike Pilot – That has moved to paradise! De...Can hardly wait to see them from the air in our trike, and they also get covered in...own the runway a damned deer ran in front of the trike and I hit it. Did about six t...