Results for "First Flight of the Year"

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  • Megafauna Flyaway 2012

    ...n District of Victoria on the first afternoon, and dodging some l...old friends caught up on the year’s “doings”....;   Tuesday took us firstly over limestone country, then...e Crow eaters call it KI. The flight across the water was spectacu...

  • Incident Report

    ...uze wing.Registration: 32-4882Flight crew:Student pilot: John Hanc...ed by me and released for the flight.Training flight number 25 for...for a full stop landing. The flight would depart at 0730 hours.In...ground, hitting the left wheelfirst. I grabbed the controls and towards the fence past the flig...

  • Flying is for the Birds- (Excellent article on how cool birds are)

         ...“Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the Leonardo da Vinci some 500 years ago, there were no pilots. Per...enaissance was imagining what flight would or could be like. More...stest in level, wing-flapping flight. Read the rest (even be...

  • Dean Batman beat cancer > several years ago but the drugs left his lun...y damaged. > The last 2 years has required oxygen but he to Kitty Hawk for the 100 years > of flight celebration and assisted th...ean helped others enjoy > flight in many different ways. Fr...

  • Another trike accident

    Sad day for the triking community The ultralight aircraft that crashed in Park a Grand Rapids hospital with serious injuries. His back seat passenger, 71-year-old Leland Klink, sustained m...

  • Halleluja, still got my half-million dollar plane.

    Did yiu guys catch that? The guy blows the...out for the evening. According to FlightAware the aircraft left Addiso...later. The aircraft in question is 12 years old and as we reported in Fe...the parachute must be repacked at 10-year intervals at a cost of more t...

  • How to install instrumentation on a stick trike

    This page is inspired by the lack of help I got from another prominant...nstall a new GPS (Garmin AERA 500), a Flight 2 combined airspeed/altimeter...ctional that the pilot could reach in flight, etc. To do this I used some...    With the flig...

  • Nav Flight App for Android... PPGps!

      I was introduced to this app today for android. Has anyone used it? To me it looks like it will do...king, and the ability to export kml files. There is a wealth of real time inflig...

  • Secrets of Cost-Effective Maintenance and Recommended or Required: The Savvy Aviator #61 & #63 Mike Busch AvWeb

    The first article: "The Savvy Aviator #61: Secrets of Cost-Eff...Cessna 185 on floats up in Alaska that spends six months of the year operating off salt water and the other six months of the year locked up in a hangar because...

  • Final results for me to Learn to Fly.

    As most of you know I am now certified.  Someone recently asked me a few quest...lly out for flying due to ex-cyclone rain and winds.  Best settled time of year is Autumn/Winter. Cost me...